Haryana govt announces Rs 2000 per acre bonus for kharif crops amid rainfall deficit

Haryana government has announced a Rs 2,000 per acre bonus on all crops during the current Kharif season to support farmers impacted by the lack of rain

In response to the severe shortage of rainfall in Haryana, the state government has taken a crucial step to support farmers by announcing a bonus for all crops during the current Kharif season. The decision was made during a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Naib Saini on Thursday.

Rs 2000 Per Acre Bonus for Farmers

Chief Minister Naib Saini provided details of the cabinet's decision, stating that the state has received significantly less rainfall this year compared to the previous year, which has adversely affected crop production. To mitigate these challenges, the government has decided to grant a bonus of Rs 2,000 per acre to farmers for all crops during the current Kharif season.

The bonus will be applicable to all types of crops, including fruits, flowers, and vegetables. This initiative is designed to support even small farmers, with those owning one acre or less of land also eligible to receive the bonus. Emphasizing his connection to the farming community, Chief Minister Saini said, "I am also a farmer's son and understand the pain of farmers."

Farmers Urged to Register for the Bonus

In a bid to ensure that all eligible farmers receive this benefit, Chief Minister Saini urged them to register on the 'Meri Fasal, Mera Byora Portal' by August 15, 2024. This registration is essential for farmers to avail themselves of the Rs 2,000 per acre bonus provided by the state government.