India has the potential to increase its organic product exports to Rs 20,000 crore in the next three years, said Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday. Speaking at an event to launch the eighth edition of the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) with new regulations, Goyal emphasized India’s unique opportunity to expand its share in the growing global organic market, currently valued at Rs 1 lakh crore and expected to rise significantly in the coming years.
India’s organic product exports currently stand at Rs 5,000-6,000 crore, and the new target represents a threefold increase. Goyal highlighted that India is home to one of the largest numbers of organic farmers globally and called upon startups to contribute innovative solutions to drive sectoral growth. The eighth edition of the NPOP marks the program’s first significant revision since 2014.
The revised NPOP regulations aim to make organic certification more farmer-friendly, enhance clarity and transparency, and align Indian standards with global benchmarks. The initiative seeks to achieve the ambitious target of USD 2 billion in organic food exports by 2030, ensuring compliance with international standards for organic trade.
The updated NPOP introduces several key features, including a streamlined certification process, improved traceability through the launch of TraceNet 2.0, and a revamped NPOP portal for greater visibility and ease of operations. The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), which oversees the program’s implementation under the Commerce Ministry, has also redesigned its portal and launched an upgraded agri-exchange platform to bolster the export ecosystem.
India’s organic food export sector has seen steady growth, with exports increasing from USD 213 million in 2012-13 to USD 494.80 million in 2023-24. During the April-November 2024 period, exports rose by 40 percent to Rs 456 million, reflecting the sector’s potential. Key export markets for Indian organic products include the United States, European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
India’s primary organic exports include cereals, millets, processed foods, tea, spices, dry fruits, sugar, medicinal plant products, pulses, coffee, oil cakes, and oilseeds. Under the revised guidelines, these products must adhere to NPOP standards for production, processing, packing, and labelling to qualify for export certification.
Ministers of State for Cooperation Krishan Pal Gurjar and Murlidhar Mohol, Minister of State for Commerce Jitin Prasada, and Cooperation Secretary Ashish Kumar Bhutani were also present at the event. Abhishek Dev, Chairman, APEDA presented the vote of thanks.