IFFCO Nano DAP notified under FCO, paves the way for commercial production, will be available to farmers soon
After liquid Nano urea, now the way has been cleared for liquid Nano DAP to be available to the farmers. The liquid Nano Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer developed by the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO), the country's largest fertilizer cooperative, has been notified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare under the Fertilizer Control Order on March 2, 2023. In this regard, a gazette notification has been issued on March 2 itself. In which it is said that IFFCO is allowed to produce liquid Nano DAP in India. This order will come into force from the date of gazette notification of this order. After this decision of the government, the way for commercial production of Nano DAP has been cleared and now it will be available to the farmers soon

After liquid Nano urea, now the way has been cleared for liquid Nano DAP to be available to the farmers. The liquid Nano Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer developed by the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO), the country's largest fertilizer cooperative, has been notified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare under the Fertilizer Control Order on March 2, 2023. In this regard, a gazette notification has been issued on March 2 itself. In which it is said that IFFCO is allowed to produce liquid Nano DAP in India. This order will come into force from the date of gazette notification of this order. After this decision of the government, the way for commercial production of Nano DAP has been cleared and now it will be available to the farmers soon.
IFFCO's Managing Director Dr. Uday Shankar Awasthi had said on the occasion of Rural Voice program in December that liquid Nano DAP would soon be available to the farmers in the country. IFFCO has already launched Liquid Nano Urea and has sold more than 40 million bottles.
Related story: IFFCO MD hails nod to commercial release of nano-DAP
According to a copy of the gazette notification available with Rural Voice, the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred under the Essential Commodities Act, is hereby ordered to amend the Fertilizer (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) Control Order, 1985. This Order may be called the Fertilizer (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) Control Third Amendment Order, 2023. It has been entered after liquid nano urea in the order. In this order, detailed information about the specification of Liquid Nano DAP has been given. Which includes all the nutrients of DAP.
DAP is the second most consumed fertilizer after urea. Whose annual consumption is more than 90 lakh tonnes in the country. More than half of which is imported and most of the raw material for domestic production is also imported.
One bottle of IFFCO's Liquid Nano Urea is used in place of one 50 kg bag of urea. Due to which the government is getting huge savings in subsidy on urea as well as saving in the expenditure on imports.
Related story: IFFCO to soon launch nano DAP at Rs 600/bottle of 500 ml
On the other hand, due to the production of liquid Nano DAP, its reach to the farmers where DAP will be made available to the farmers at a low cost. There will be a huge reduction in the dependence on DAP imports, due to which there is a possibility of huge savings in subsidy to the government, while the availability of DAP to the farmers will also be better. In the international market, there was a huge increase in the prices of DAP in the last year and a half, although the prices have now come down to almost half. But despite this, the government will have to give fertilizer subsidy of about Rs 2.25 lakh crore in the current year. A provision for fertilizer subsidy of Rs 1.75 lakh crore has been made for the next year. The production of liquid Nano DAP and its reaching to the farmers will result in huge savings in the subsidy spent on it.
Related Vedio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPlmdFfO0A&t=3s
In an annual confernece, Rural Voice Agriculture Conclave organised by Rural Voice, IFFCO's Managing Director Dr. Uday Shankar Awasthi had said that with the introduction of Nano DAP in the market where the country will be self-sufficient in the production of fertilizers, there will also be a huge saving of expensive foreign exchange.