Leads Connect signs MoU with ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga, to develop intelligent health analytics platform
The robust platform aims to monitor, mitigate and forecast biological disasters. It will help in improving the quality of health services. It may further be useful in identifying the aspects of health infrastructure where improvement is needed to make it more resilient and robust.

Noida-based agritech company Leads Connect Services has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga (Punjab), to develop an intelligent health analytics platform.
The robust platform, says the Leads Connect press release, aims to monitor, mitigate and forecast biological disasters. It will help in improving the quality of health services. It may further be useful in identifying the aspects of health infrastructure where improvement is needed to make it more resilient and robust. Epidemiological analytics can be significant in mitigating the risks of biological disasters. Therefore, says the release, this collaboration is expected to yield relevant results in the context of practical and scientific relevance.
Speaking on signing the MoU, Navneet Ravikar, Chairman & Managing Director, Leads Connect, highlighted the significance of this agreement. “(The) Covid-19 pandemic alarmed the human race that it is now high time to brace ourselves for countering the risks of biological disasters. Moreover, there is now enough literature available suggesting that climate change may also have a paramount role in increasing the cases of infectious diseases across the globe. It is now, therefore, necessary to work on measures for addressing the challenges of biological disasters. This agreement is a firm step in this direction and we aim to come up with a solution which benefits humankind.”
Talking about the collaboration, Head-cum-Director Prof. (Dr) GD Gupta, ISF College of Pharmacy, said that his college was delighted to sign the agreement. “Research scholars of ISF College of Pharmacy can play a significant role in validating the accuracy of findings and assess the utility of health insights in improving public health management.”
Leads Connect is already working in collaboration with national and international institutions and organizations such as Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra, Ranchi and AIR Institute-DeepTech Lab, Spain for performing research and development activities. The company has also taken analytical initiatives, such as Northeast India and Jharkhand initiatives, pertaining to investigating climate change and environmental sustainability.
Leads Connect is an analytics company with its core focus on agri-technology-driven data analysis and modelling, risk management and financial services.