Dr. Mahi Pal

Where is Local Governance in the Keraleeyam 2023?

Where is Local Governance in the Keraleeyam 2023?

“Undoubtedly Kerala leads the Nation in Panchayati Raj”, commented Mani Shankar...

Budget 2023-24: How much rural friendly?

Budget 2023-24: How much rural friendly?

If we put allocation for Rural development and Agriculture together, we found that...

Panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh: Where are we heading?

Panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh: Where are we heading?

In this article, an attempt has been made to list out the issues to be asked by...

Fifteenth Finance Commission recommendations on decentralisation are based on accountant approach and not on economist

Fifteenth Finance Commission recommendations on decentralisation are based on accountant approach and not on economist

From a decentralization point of view, fifteenth Finance Commission's recommendations...