The national dialogue intends to have a healthy exchange of views among all stakeholders...
Cooperatives have been playing an important economic and social role, however, the...
Delay in sugarcane SAP and pending dues anger farmers, movement against farm laws intensifies in UP
The delay in announcing the State-Advised Price (SAP) for sugarcane by the BJP government...
Agdhi Launched AI technology to detect the defect in seeds and crops
Agdhi, an agritech startup based in Bengaluru has introduced vision enabled AI-based...
New Farm Acts are about Agricultural Transformation: Prof. Ramesh Chand
Professor Ramesh Chand counts among the national and global experts on agricultural...
Indian agriculture problem cannot be resolved through ad hoc decision
why have successive governments used the exchequer to provide farm subsidies, and...
Why Indian Agriculture needs more Amuls to succeed
The stand-off between the Government and farmers at Delhi’s borders over a set of...
No Plan To Enter Corporate Farming also Support MSP like model: Says Reliance
reliance Industries is all set to move the Punjab and Haryana High Court over several...
AgNext digitizing Food Quality using AI
Contaminants, differences in nutritional content and even colour can change how...
Its time to focus on Agriculture Diplomacy
Diplomacy is rarely associated with agriculture. The skills of professional foreign...
Agritech platform Gramophone raises funding of 25 crores
Indore based Agriculture Technology platform Gramophone today announced that it...
Remembering Dr.Kurien: Making the farmer count
A five billion dollar company owned by 36 lakh farmers: unbelievable? This is GCMMF...
Farm Subsidies and Why We Need Effective Disciplines in the WTO
Agricultural subsidies’ discipline of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) under the...
Challenges before Indian agricultural sector
For almost a month, thousands of farmers from different parts of the country are...
How cooperative is transforming agriculture sector
role of cooperative, agriculture sector, agri crisis, modi government