Two books released on the life of IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi

Two books have been released on the life of IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi. Titled “The Joys of Crisis” in English and “Sangharsh Ka Sukh” in Hindi, the books were released by IFFCO Chairman and Board of Directors during the 52nd AGM on Tuesday

Two books released on the life of IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi
Two books have been released on the life of IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi. Titled “The Joys of Crisis” in English and “Sangharsh Ka Sukh” in Hindi, the books were released by IFFCO Chairman and Board of Directors during the 52nd AGM on Tuesday.
"I am feeling happy & proud today. Chairman, IFFCO along with entire board of directors and IFFCO delegates unveiled a book named #TheJoysOfCrisis on my life written by Sh. Arnab Mitra and published by 
@Rupa_Books. My heartfelt thanks to everyone," Dr Awasthi tweeted.
Both the books are biographies on his struggle and travails, rather a peep into his hardships after losing his father at an early age and how he built his life brick by brick.
IFFCO Chairman Dileep Sanghani said the title of the book itself is so interesting. " The Joy of crisis" can be felt only by someone like Awasthi, who lost his father at a very early age and turned to his mother, his pillar of strength," he said.

Sanghani said he also had some personal experience of Dr Awasthi’s inner strength.
“There have been situations in his life when even his best friends feel it is difficult to cope with, but Dr Awasthi has come out unscathed by sheer strength of character and belief. I would say he has rather come out of crises heroically,” said Sanghani.
The books not only throw light on Dr Awasthi's humble background, but show how he rose to lead a co-op body -- globally ranked number one.

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