ISMA DG Sonjoy Mohanty resigns 6 months after assuming office

Sonjoy Mohanty, Director General of the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), an organisation of private sugar mills, has resigned in a little over six months after assuming the charge. According to Rural Voice sources, Mohanty quit from his post on April 24, 2023, and his resignation has been accepted by ISMA's Reforms and Policy Group with immediate effect.

ISMA DG Sonjoy Mohanty resigns 6 months after assuming office

Sonjoy Mohanty, Director General of the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), an organisation of private sugar mills, has resigned in a little over six months after assuming the charge.

According to Rural Voice sources, Mohanty quit from his post on April 24, 2023, and his resignation has been accepted by ISMA's Reforms and Policy Group with immediate effect.
Mohanty had joined as Director General of ISMA on October 15, 2022. In such a situation, it is surprising that he left the post so soon.
According to sources, Mohanty did not attend a meeting held on April 25 to review the estimates of sugar production in the current season (2022-23).
ISMA's High Level Committee has informed all members about his resignation and its acceptance, stating that the reason for taking the decision was "personal".
Mohanty took over as the Director General of ISMA on October 15, 2022. He was selected by a selection committee of ISMA. He has been the Secretary General of the International Spirits and Wine Association of India (ISWAI).
Prior to Mohanty, Abinash Verma was Director General of ISMA. He resigned from the post after a bitter dispute between him and the Managing Board of ISMA.
He put in his papers after a dispute escalated in a meeting with ISMA members, who are sugar mills owners. His resignation was officially revealed a few weeks later on April 29, 2022.
According to industry sources, the main reason for this dispute was the issue of re-induction of a big sugar mills group which had left ISMA almost two decade back.
Abinash Verma took over as Director General of ISMA in September 2010. He remained on this post for about eleven-and-a-half years. Verma has been an officer of Railway Cadre.
Prior to his appointment as Director General, ISMA, he was Director, Sugar Development Fund (SDF) in the Ministry of Food from February, 2005 to May, 2010.

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