Tag: coarse cereals

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Rabi sowing crosses 632 lakh ha, wheat sowing up, oilseeds coverage drops

Rabi sowing crosses 632 lakh ha, wheat sowing up, oilseeds coverage drops

Wheat, the primary Rabi crop, recorded a 1.38% year-on-year increase, with 320 lakh...

Wheat gains momentum, oilseeds lag behind; over 77% of Rabi sowing completed

Wheat gains momentum, oilseeds lag behind; over 77% of Rabi sowing completed

As of December 6, Rabi crops have been sown over 493.62 lakh hectares, which is...

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Record rice production in Kharif 2024-25, pulses production at nine-year low

Record rice production in Kharif 2024-25, pulses production at nine-year low

Rice production in the Kharif season of 2024-25 is estimated to be 11.99 crore tonnes,...

Wheat sowing up 25 per cent this Rabi season; wholesale price of wheat also rises

Wheat sowing up 25 per cent this Rabi season; wholesale price of wheat also rises

Wheat acreage has increased by 25 per cent so far in the ongoing Rabi season at...

Area sown decreases for paddy and pulses

Area sown decreases for paddy and pulses

While the area sown for rice (paddy) has gone down from 417.93 lakh ha in 2021 to...

Foodgrain production to be record 315.72 mt: 4th AE 2021-22

Foodgrain production to be record 315.72 mt: 4th AE 2021-22

The production of foodgrains in the country is estimated at 315.72 mt, higher by...

Paddy acreage falls by 43.83 lakh hectares; foodgrain stocks at 4-year low in central pool

Paddy acreage falls by 43.83 lakh hectares; foodgrain stocks at 4-year low in central pool

The paddy acreage is lagging behind that last year by 43.83 lakh hectares due to...

Cabinet approves MSP for Kharif Crops for 2021-22

Cabinet approves MSP for Kharif Crops for 2021-22

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,...