Tag: India
West may create hurdles in wheat exports from India
These countries have for long believed that the Minimum Support Price (MSP) offered...
India’s CEPA with UAE has several firsts and advantages
A free trade agreement with a country that is also a re-exporter can have one major...
Wheat turns from unwanted foodgrain stock to gold due to Russia-Ukraine war
With a steep rise in wheat prices in the global market due to the Russia-Ukraine...
Massive hike in fertilizer prices due to Russia-Ukraine war; efforts to find new import sources gather pace
Fertilizers, including MOP, DAP and urea, and their raw materials are witnessing...
AtmaNirbhar Bharat and “vocal for local” notwithstanding, India–China trade relations are at a historical high
If the recent data are any indication, India–China trade relations are at a historical...
Road to India–Australia FTA opens; early harvest agreement in next 30 days
Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said that the early harvest agreement...
Cargill survey finds more consumers weighing sustainability claims on packaged-food choices
Sustainability considerations now influence the majority of the world’s grocery...
Gene editing rules simplified for UK researchers; India yet to decide
Scientists across England will be able to undertake plant-based research and development,...
American lawmakers urge Biden administration to take action against India on wheat subsidy
US Wheat Associates, the export market development organization for the US wheat...
UN report predicts 6.7 per cent GDP growth for India in 2022
According to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2022,...
Cargill opens first food innovation centre in India
Ramping up its R&D focus, Cargill has opened the Cargill Innovation Center in Gurugram...
India adversely impacted by a flawed and discriminatory subsidies’ regime
On December 14, a WTO dispute settlement panel concluded in its report that India...
Only a comprehensive agricultural policy can reverse the decades-long neglect
The farmers may have won a battle against the farm laws, but they stand to lose...
India’s sugar production jumps 25% to cross 2 MT till Nov 15
With the sugar mills starting early in the Southern and Western regions, India’s...
WTO proposal to limit public procurement of food grains to 15 per cent of production
Discussions on the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) are to be held at MC12 of the...
WTO MC12: India faces tough challenges in moving from "peace clause" to "permanent solution"
Before suggesting the way forward, Ambassador Peralta should have looked at two...