3305.34 lakh tonne foodgrain production for 2022-23, says latest estimate

The Third Advance Estimates of production of major crops for agricultural year 2022-23 released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare estimates 33.05 crore tonne foodgrain production for 2022-23, which is higher by 149.18 LMT as compared to 2021-22.

3305.34 lakh tonne foodgrain production for 2022-23, says latest estimate

The Third Advance Estimates of production of major crops for agricultural year 2022-23 released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare estimates 33.05 crore tonne foodgrain production for 2022-23, which is higher by 149.18 LMT as compared to 2021-22.

Releasing the estimates, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar said that agriculture sector is developing day by day due to hard work of farmers, proficiency of scientists and farmer-friendly policies of the Government.


The assessment of production of different crops is based on the feedback received from States and validated with information available from other sources. This assessment shall undergo further revision over successive estimates based upon feedback received from the states, alternative sources and other factors.


As per Third Advance Estimates, total production of Rice during 2022-23 is estimated at 1355.42 lakh metric tonnes (LMT). It is higher by 60.71lakh tonnes as compared to previous year. The production of Wheat in the country is estimated at 1127.43 LMT which is higher by 50.01 LMT as compared to previous year’s production.

Output of Maize in the country during 2022-23 is estimated at 359.13 LMT which is higher by 21.83 lakh tonnes than the previous year’s production.

Likewise, production of Nutri/Coarse Cereals is estimated at 547.48lakh tonnes which is higher by 36.47LMT than the previous year’s production.

The production of Moong is estimated at 37.40 LMT which higher by 5.74 LMT as compared to previous year’s production. Total Pulses production during 2022-23 is estimated at 275.04LMT which is higher by 2.02 lakh tonnes than previous year’s production of 273.02 LMT.

The production of Soybean and Rapeseed & Mustard is estimated at149.76 LMT and 124.94 LMT respectively, which is higher by 19.89 LMT and 5.31 LMT respectively than the production of previous year 2021-22.

Total Oilseeds production in the country during 2022-23 is estimated at 409.96LMT, which is higher by 30.33 lakh tonnes than the previous year’s oilseeds production.

Total production of Sugarcane in the country during 2022-23 is estimated at 4942.28 LMT. The production of sugarcane during 2022-23 is higher by 548.03 LMT than the previous year’s production.

Production of Cotton is estimated at 343.47 lakh bales (of 170 kg each) and production of Jute & Mesta is estimated at 94.94lakh bales (of 180 kg each), an official release said.

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