Govt procures over 650 LT kharif paddy, maximum procurement in Punjab and Chhattisgarh

The government has procured over 650 lakh tonnes of paddy grown in the kharif (summer-sown) season 2023-24. This has benefitted 74 lakh farmers who got more than Rs 1.3 lakh crore as the minimum support price. Kharif marketing season runs from October to September during which the government procures paddy grown in both kharif and rabi seasons.

Govt procures over 650 LT kharif paddy, maximum procurement in Punjab and Chhattisgarh

The government has procured over 650 lakh tonnes of paddy grown in the kharif (summer-sown) season 2023-24. This has benefitted 74 lakh farmers who got more than Rs 1.3 lakh crore as the minimum support price. Kharif marketing season runs from October to September during which the government procures paddy grown in both kharif and rabi seasons.

"With the current level of procurement, the central pool holds more than 525 lakh tonnes of rice against the annual requirement of about 400 lakh tonnes for distribution through ration shops under the food security law and other welfare schemes." an official statement said.

According to data from the Food Ministry, paddy procurement occurred in 22 states during the kharif marketing season 2023-24. The highest procurement, totaling 185 lakh tonnes, was in Punjab, marking an increase of about three lakh tonnes from the previous season. For this season, the government has set the minimum support price (MSP) for ordinary category paddy at Rs 2183 per quintal and for A-grade paddy at Rs 2203 per quintal.

Despite floods causing significant damage to the paddy crop this year in Punjab, farmers replanted the saplings. Following Punjab, Chhattisgarh saw the second-highest procurement of 144 lakh tonnes of paddy, achieving a record quantity for the state. Responding to farmers' demand, the state extended the deadline for paddy procurement until February 4, including procurement on Saturdays and Sundays.

In Uttar Pradesh, approximately 55 lakh tonnes of paddy were procured, down from 65.5 lakh tonnes in the previous season. Telangana, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh reported procurements of 47 lakh tonnes, 46 lakh tonnes, and 38 lakh tonnes, respectively, this season.

Concerns arise regarding paddy production in the Kharif season due to disturbances in the monsoon. The first advance estimate for Kharif crops in 2023-24 suggests paddy production at 106.3 million tonnes, a 3.79 percent decrease from the 110.5 million tonnes produced in the last season. However, the area under paddy cultivation during the Kharif season reached 411 lakh hectares, indicating an increase of approximately 11 lakh hectares compared to the previous season.

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