DBW 327 variety of wheat makes bumper record yield of 33.70 quintals per acre
Farmers of Fatehgadh Sahib district of Punjab and Panipat district of Haryana have reported record-breaking yields with the DBW 327 (Karan Shivan) variety, developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal.

DBW 327 (Karan Shivani) variety of wheat, developed by the Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR) of ICAR, Karnal, has created new records of production in Haryana and Punjab. Farmers in Fatehgarh Sahib district of Punjab and Panipat district of Haryana have reported record-breaking yields from this variety.
According to information received from IIWBR, farmer Davinder Singh alias Harjeet Singh of Chiarthal Khurd village in Fatehgarh Sahib district of Punjab has obtained a wheat yield of 33.70 quintals per acre (84.0 quintals/hectare) from DBW 327 variety. Similarly, farmer Suresh Kumar of Badoli village in Panipat district of Haryana has obtained a wheat yield of 32.40 quintals per acre (81.0 quintals/hectare) by sowing DBW 327.
DBW 327 (Karan Shivani) variety has shown exceptional performance and given bumper yields in two major wheat producing states -- Haryana and Punjab. The climate resilient and bio-fortified (Zn- 40.6 ppm) variety was released in 2021 for early sowing in irrigated areas of North Western plains. In the year 2023, DBW 327 was also notified for the central region. ICAR had recognized this variety as the best crop science technology in 2023. The yield potential of this variety is 87.7 quintals per hectare and average yield is 79.4 quintals per hectare which is a new benchmark in wheat production.
IIWBR Director Dr Gyanendra Singh told the Rural Voice that there are farmers who have achieved an average yield of 30 quintals per acre in 30 acres from DBW 327 wheat. Emphasis is being laid on developing improved varieties to meet the growing needs of farmers. "The success of DBW 327 variety reflects our commitment towards empowering farmers and ensuring food security of the country," he asserted.
Many farmers in Sanghi village of Rohtak have reported achieving a bumper yield of 32 quintals per acre and an average yield of more than 27 quintals per acre.
The excellent performance of DBW 327 variety underlines the importance of research in providing high level wheat production to farmers. Dr. Singh honored the farmers who achieved high yields.