NEDAC workshop explores co-op strategies in global supply chain logistics

The two-day workshop is being organised jointly by the Network for Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC), the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) on "Cooperatives and Global Supply Chain Logistics".

NEDAC workshop explores co-op strategies in global supply chain logistics
Experts, stakeholders, and practitioners have converged in Shimla for an international workshop to explore innovative strategies and collaborations in advancing cooperative engagement within global supply chain logistics.
The two-day workshop is being organised jointly by the Network for Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC), the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) on "Cooperatives and Global Supply Chain Logistics".
The opening ceremony witnessed an inaugural address by Dr. Ashish Kumar Bhutani, Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India, who via video conferencing, deliberated upon the need to foster sustainable development and inclusive growth through cooperatives. He said that it is an ideal platform to share best practices amongst delegates from various countries.
Pankaj Kumar Bansal, Chairman of NEDAC, Managing Director of NCDC, and Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperation highlighted the various initiatives undertaken by the Government of India to empower and benefit cooperatives, emphasizing their pivotal role in sustainable economic development.
C Paulrasu, Secretary of Cooperation, Government of Himachal Pradesh, graced the event with his presence, further underscoring the importance of cooperative initiatives at the regional level.
A total of 85 participants, including delegates from India, Nepal, Philippines, and Vietnam, actively engaged in the workshop, contributing diverse perspectives and experiences to the discussions.
Dr. K. R. Salin, Honorary Director of NEDAC, conducted the event where six technical sessions are scheduled covering a wide range of topics vis-a-vis cooperative engagement in supply chain logistics.

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