Tag: agri startup

Ninjacart impact report shows better quality of life for India's agri citizens

Ninjacart impact report shows better quality of life for India's agri citizens

Walmart-backed Ninjacart, India's leading agri-startup has unveiled its NINJACART...

Agri Start-Ups
Bioprime Agrisolutions launches plant-associated microbes library in Pune

Bioprime Agrisolutions launches plant-associated microbes library in Pune

Agri-biotech startup Bioprime Agrisolutions on Friday announced in Pune the launch...

Agdhi Launched AI technology to detect the defect in seeds and crops

Agdhi Launched AI technology to detect the defect in seeds and crops

Agdhi, an agritech startup based in Bengaluru has introduced vision enabled AI-based...