IFFCO to take strict actions against fraud and false entities offering dealership or franchise
IFFCO has warned people not to fall prey to fraudulent companies like Fertilizer Frenchie, which is falsely claiming to be a branch of IFFCO and cheating the people.

The Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO), India’s leading fertilizer cooperative, has warned the public against the fraudulent firm Fertilizer Frenchie. IFFCO says in a statement that it has noticed “some unscrupulous elements actively operating in various parts of the country, in the name and style of Fertilizer Frenchie (website www.fertilizerfrenchies.com), on the Internet and other social media platforms.”
Fertilizer Frenchie is “falsely claiming to be a branch of IFFCO” and “dishonestly and fraudulently offering fertilizer dealership and/or franchise to general public”, says IFFCO. “They are seeking applications from unsuspecting and gullible general public, and especially trying to lure unemployed youth.”
IFFCO has found the fraud to be on a large scale. “In the guise of giving fertilizer dealership/franchise, they are collecting huge amounts from susceptible general public as licence fee, deposit and booking for supply of fertilizer etc.”
Fertilizer major IFFCO has made it clear that it “has no connection, whatsoever, with such persons/entities.” It categorically states that “they are committing fraud and deceiving general public by mischievously using IFFCO’s name.”
IFFCO has advised people “to be more vigilant and not to fall prey to such misleading advertisements appearing on Internet and other social media platforms.”
The fertilizer major also absolved itself of any responsibility in deals made with such fraudulent entities. It said, “Any person/entity dealing with them shall be doing so at their own risk and cost. IFFCO shall have no responsibility.”
The fraudulent entities have cause to worry because IFFCO has said, “Meanwhile IFFCO is taking legal action against such entities.”