Horticulture production in India sees marginal decline, despite growth in fruit production
Despite the marginal drop in total production, fruit production in India has witnessed an increase of 2.29 percent, bringing the total to 112.73 million tonnes.

The Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has released the Third Advance Estimates for 2023-24 on the area and production of horticultural crops, offering insights into India's agricultural performance. Based on inputs from states, union territories, and other governmental sources, the estimates suggest a slight decline in overall horticultural production compared to the previous year.
The total horticultural production for 2023-24 is projected at 353.19 million tonnes, marking a decrease of approximately 0.65 percent, or 22.94 lakh tonnes, compared to the final estimates for 2022-23. However, the area under horticultural cultivation has increased from 28.44 million hectares in 2022-23 to 28.98 million hectares in 2023-24.
Despite the marginal drop in total horticultural production, fruit production in India has witnessed an increase of 2.29 percent over 2022-23, bringing the total to 112.73 million tonnes. Fruit production increased to 109.53 million tonnes in 2022-23 from 107.51 million tonnes in 2021-22. This growth is primarily attributed to higher yields of mango, banana, lime/lemon, grapes, and custard apple. However, the production of fruits such as apples, sweet oranges, mandarin, guava, and pomegranate has seen a decline compared to the previous year.
The production of vegetables is estimated at 205.80 million tonnes for 2023-24, down from around 213 million tonnes in 2022-23. While there has been a rise in the output of vegetables like tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, and okra, the production of potato, onion, brinjal, and capsicum is expected to decrease.
Total Horticulture | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
2023-24 (3rd Adv. Est.) |
Area (in million hectares) |
28.04 | 28.44 | 28.98 |
Production (in million tonnes) |
347.18 | 355.48 | 353.19 |
Source: Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, GoI |
Onion and Potato Production Declined
Onion production is forecasted at 242.44 lakh tonnes, down from 302.08 lakh tonnes in 2022-23, a decrease of about 60 lakh tonnes. This marks a continuous decline over the past two years, with onion production falling by 23.50 percent since 2021-22 when it was 316.87 lakh tonnes.
Potato production in the country is expected to be around 570.49 lakh tonnes in 2023, a decrease of about 32 lakh tonnes, mainly due to decreased production reported in Bihar and West Bengal. Potato production was around 602.2 lakh tonnes in 2022-23.
Tomato Production Increased
One of the significant positive trends is the surge in Tomato production, which is expected to reach 213.20 lakh tonnes, a 4.38 percent increase from the previous year’s 204.25 lakh tonnes. Tomato production was 206.9 lakh tonnes in the year 2021-22.
Besides fruits and vegetables, the estimates indicate an increase in the production of honey, flowers, plantation crops, spices, and aromatic and medicinal plants, further boosting the diversity of India's horticultural output.