Tag: Food Minister
India allows 10 lakh tonnes of sugar export amid production worries
The Food Ministry's order allows the export of all sugar grades within allocated...
Govt to buy 3 lakh tonnes of onion in Rabi season, 50k tonnes more than last season
I have already ordered an increased onion purchase from Rabi harvest from 2.5 lakh...
OMSS helping in reducing wheat prices, FCI sold 5.40 lakh tonne wheat in 4th e-auction
substantial quantity of wheat has already been lifted by bidders. "This has reduced...
Use modern technologies in foodgrain management: Piyush Goyal
FCI should open more procurement centres covering almost all revenue districts so...
Food losses and wastage contribute to food insecurity
Despite high economic growth since the reforms of 1991, a large percentage of Indians...
302 lakh tonnes of sugar production estimated during current sugar season
The country is expected to produce 302 lakh tonnes of sugar during the 2020-21 sugar...