Portals launched for export-import of agricultural commodities and pesticides registration
Tomar said that on the new portal, the procedures from the application by exporters to the issuance of sanitation certificates would be completed without human intervention. He added that this was in line with the government’s strategy of punctuality, transparency and simple policy of ease of doing business. The portal will facilitate an international level in exporting their products to the producers of fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.

Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar has launched two portals, one for the Computerized Registration of Pesticide (CROP) and the other for Plant Quarantine Management System (PQMS).
The two redeveloped online portals were launched realizing the need for quicker disposal of applications related to export/import of agricultural commodities and pesticides registration, a more coordinated integration with external systems and stakeholders, and to bring in greater transparency to the existing online system.
The PQMS portal will provide a transparent system with no physical touchpoints for the applicants and ensure convenience to the users through an online system, including e-payments and uploading of documents, online accreditation and renewal of treatment agencies/facilities and downloading of certificates.
Similarly, the re-developed CROP portal will immensely help in the ease of doing business and provide greater and timely crop protection solution to the farmers of the country.
Tomar said that on the new portal, the procedures from the application by exporters to the issuance of sanitation certificates would be completed without human intervention. He added that this was in line with the government’s strategy of punctuality, transparency and simple policy of ease of doing business. The portal will facilitate an international level in exporting their products to the producers of fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc. Besides, the certificate of imported plant material can be issued in a time-bound manner with transparency and ease.
Similarly, the CROP portal relating has been amended keeping in view the problems of old crop operation. For issuance of certificates for smooth registration of crop protection material by the new crop operation, from application to issue of the same, they will be issued at the earliest after online scrutiny by the experts with transparency, ease and timeliness from application to their issuance, he said.
Tomar said that at the time of locust attack in some states, the Agriculture Ministry had taken permission from the concerned ministries to control the locusts and drones were also used. At that time the Prime Minister asked for a detailed drone policy.
The department in consultation with all the stakeholders of this sector has brought out Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for use of drones in pesticide and nutrient applications that provide precise instructions for effective and safe operations of drones. The Ministry has issued orders granting interim approval for the spray of nearly all the registered pesticides formulations using drones. The application of pesticides using drones will not only make it easier for farmers to efficiently protect plants from pests but will also eventually help in increasing their incomes through reduced input costs.
Tomar said that in terms of foodgrains, our country was not only self-reliant but also surplus, to which the hard work of our farmer brothers and sisters, the skills of the scientists and the farmers’ friendly policies of the Central Government were contributing.
Speaking on this occasion, Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Kailash Chaudhary said that the Prime Minister’s emphasis on technology would lead to further development of the agriculture sector. The new portals will benefit farmers, exporters as well as industrialists.
Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja said that the policy of the Government of India was one of transparency, according to which the department was performing its work.
Senior officials of the Agriculture Ministry, DG, Centre for Good Governance Rajendra Nimje, ICAR scientists, and representatives from the states, industries and farmers’ organizations also graced the occasion.